sOuth kilBuRn is unDeRgOing RAPid chAnge thROugh the BRent cOuncil leD RegeneRAtiOn. BecAuse Of this we wAnted tO let PeOPle knOw ABOut the histORy Of this viBRAnt AnD vARieD AReA.

Do you remember this event or these people?

These photos were found when The Carlton Centre was being cleared out. They are from photography classes held there, maybe in the 1970s or 80s. Take a look at our gallery and, If you recognise anyone, or know what the event is, please get in touch by email:

Click here to view the full gallery

Unsung Heroes

Unsung Heroes of South Kilburn: People Place and Heritage was an exhibition on Carlton Vale, to honour some of the people who have helped build our community over the last 40 years. Each person was nominated by South Kilburn residents.
Find out more here.


Empathy Walks

Pete’s Walk: South Kilburn from a personal perspective.


 Learning our past. Inspiring our future.