Meet the
unsung Heroes
of South KIlburn

Unsung Heroes of South Kilburn: People Place and Heritage was an exhibition on Carlton Vale, to honour some of the people who have helped build our community over the last 40 years. Each person was nominated by South Kilburn residents.

Through honouring these people, we are remembering the importance of community action. We all grow in confidence remembering our heritage and the people who make our community.

These portraits were drawn by Nur Hannah Wan. This project is created by Granvillle Community Kitchen with the support of Roddick Foundation and Countryside Properties. The Unsung Heroes are Linda Charles, Dolores Vila Farres, Bena Raithatha and Maha Rahwanji. You can watch short interviews with them (below) where they explain their links to South Kilburn and The Granville.

If you live or work in South Kilburn, we want you self portrait! Send us a simple portrait of yourself drawn, a photograph or anime - anyway you want to send it. Add a place in South Kilburn that is important to you. With so many changes happening in the area we need to remember who we are. And look out for our South Kilburn Bags! Send your self portrait to or drop it in to The Granville marked for: GRANVILLE COMMUNITY KITCHEN.

Maha’s story

Bena’s story

Linda’s story